Thursday, January 3, 2013


Time to make it officially public, today marks some pretty hefty change in our lives (and as much as my family and friends would love to hear me now announce my pregnancy, I’m sorry to disappoint). Actually, rather than increasing in size our family is decreasing. Many know Paul and I took on the guardianship of my younger brother, Beau, a couple of years ago. It has been a long and trying road filled with cheers and tears and yet for the sake of both my original decision I would not change.

Without going into full detail I would like to let you all know that we have decided to relinquish our guardianship. I will simply say that I wish we had been all he needed, but we were not, and that’s ok. He’s got a tough journey ahead but I have also seen him grow in many ways and what we can do now is pray that he takes the experiences he’s accrued forward into future circumstances. I can’t say it enough and yet again after a tearful goodbye I recognized that he really and truly HAS grown, as have we.   

Thank you for all who have been there with us in the past month to listen as we unpacked our quandary again, and again, and again. We’re blessed to have such support and love in our lives and through this I am relearning that one of the greatest gifts you can bring someone in need is a listening ear (hey, I’m proud of the cheese I’m presently spreading), I hope I can be that for some in the future.

To also let you know, Pablo and I have decided to head back to China and fulfill our contracts. It’s slightly bittersweet without Beau but I’m looking on the positive side, so woohoo! As we’ll be heading back smack-dab-a-lab in the middle of Chinese New Year we get the joy of returning to a month of no work which for us translates into a month exploring Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia. I’ll try to keep you posted and thanks again friends!

"My meaning simply is, that whatever I have tried to do in life, I have tried with all my heart to do well; that whatever I have devoted myself to, I have devoted myself to completely; that in great aims and in small, I have always been thoroughly in earnest."